Datsun bluebird 510

Датсун 510 -

Datsun : Other wagon 4 door Datsun 510


Kissimmee, Florida






Posted Over 1 Month

original paint. originally georgia car now in central florida. absolutely not a spec of rust or surface rust on any body panel. ice cold a/c r12 original system with working r12 gas. no mechanical problems. new kyb rear shocks and front strut inserts. i have original steel wheels with center caps in pristine condition. they come with the car. NOS floor mats included. this car will run anywhere you want to take it.original hitachi carburator rebuilt last year by guaranteed carburators in largo FL. choke works, and starts right up. idle goes up as it should when a/c is on. any questions feel free to ask. very hard to find another in this condition 47k original miles. needs fender side emblems. i have the plastic ones that feel off because rear clips desintegated. (maybe cnc machine them out off aluminum or 3d print them out of plastic). other than those two emblems it needs nothing everything works has dealer installed am fm radio and two speakers. buyer responsible for picking up. you can come see it if u want.


1970 Datsun Bluebird 510, автомобиль-победитель 18-го Восточноафриканского ралли Safari

Чемпион Северной Австралии по спидвею около 1970 года — все еще держит рекорды сегодня[нужна цитата ]

Модель 510 наиболее известна в США своей конкурентоспособностью в Серия Trans Am до класса 2500сс. Datsun выигрывал свой класс в 1971 и 1972 годах. Datsun 510 остается одним из самых популярных серийных автомобилей в многочисленных классах любительских гонок SCCA, отчасти благодаря стремлению Nissan Motor Corporation в США предоставить широкий выбор общих запасных частей из своих многочисленных областей. центры распределения запчастей, специальные запасные части из их основных центров распределения запчастей (базируется в Лос-Анджелесе), а также запчасти от Nissan Motorsports, подразделения Nissan Performance (базируется в Теннесси). Datsun 1600 также был очень конкурентоспособен в чемпионате Австралии по ралли. чистые и классные победы на протяжении 70-х и 80-х годов и в настоящее время в исторических классах.[нужна цитата ]

Крупные победы в автоспорте

Событие / серия Год Водитель Штурман Машина
Ampol Trial Эдгар Херрманн Ганс Шюллер Datsun 1600 SSS
Восточноафриканское ралли сафари Эдгар Херрманн Ганс Шюллер Datsun 1600 SSS
Чемпионат SCCA Trans Am 2.5 Джон Мортон Нет данных Datsun 510 2-дверный седан
Чемпионат Австралии по ралли Джефф Портман Росс Раннеллс Datsun 1600
Чемпионат Австралии по ралли Росс Дункертон Джефф Джонс Datsun 1600

Datsun : Other Coupe 1973 datsun 510


Oceanside, California






Posted Over 1 Month

Clean 1973 Datsun 510 for sale with lots of time, money, and love invested into it. Car runs great and is a blast to drive. Nicest 510 outside of Jay Leno’s garage. Clean title in hand. Motor: L20B with dual 44mm Mikuni carburetors and MSD ignition (dyno-tuned). Exhaust: Stahl headers with custom exhaust from headers back. Transmission: 5 speed manual. Brakes: 4 wheel disc. Suspension: Ground Control adjustable coil-overs on all four corners; Koni shocks with Eibach springs. Sway-bars front and rear. Wheels and tires: 15-inch Panasport Racing wheels with Toyo Proxes 4 tires 205/50R15. Interior: All black interior with custom 240z front seats, Momo steering wheel, roll bar, and seat-belts up front and in the back seat. Dynamat installed throughout car. Stereo: Complete Alpine stereo system with two 10s in the trunk with a low-profile custom sub/amp box. History: 3rd owner selling. Car has never been raced. Clean title. Shipping: Shipping is the customer’s responsibility. Payment: Cash, money order, or cashiers check. Full cash amount due at sale. No warranty comes with this car. It’s an as is purchase.

Datsun Bluebird: описание популярного Датсун 510

Datsun 510 (Bluebird) — успешный японский автомобиль, который продавался с 1968 по 1974 год. Он был востребован в Японии, США и Австралии. За пределами Америки он носил кодовое название Датсун 1600.

Популярное за рубежом издательство «Autoweek» окрестило японскую модель как «BMW для бедных».

Типы кузова

Производство Datsun Bluebird 510 стартовало в октябре 1967 года. Автомобиль издавался в следующих типах кузова:

  • Двухдверный седан (1968-1973).
  • Четырехдверный седан (1968-1974).
  • Пятидверный универсал / Wagon Station (1968-1974).
  • Двухдверное купе (1977-1981).

Такие типы кузова стали общепринятыми для разработчиков из Датсун в Японии и позже по всему миру.

Технические характеристики

На создание Datsun 510 инженеров вдохновили популярные европейские седаны того времени, в частности BMW 1600-2 (1966 год). Заднеприводный автомобиль оснащался двигателем SOHC и уже популярной подвеской Макферсон спереди Разработчики решили установить двигатель от Nissan, а дизайном заняться самостоятельно.

Подвеска и тормоза

Datsun Bluebird 510 оснащался передними дисковыми тормозами спереди. В качестве подвески использовалась независимая McPherson спереди и полунезависимой на продольных рычагах сзади.


Разработчики Датсун 510 оснащали седан четырехступенчатой механической коробкой передач или трехступенчатым автоматом на выборе.


Datsun 510 выпущенный на рынке в США совместно с японским брендом Hitachi оснащался двигателем мощностью в 96 лошадиных сил и объемов в 1,6 литра. Максимальная скорость машины достигала 160 километров в час. Датсун 1600 был способен набрать 100 километров в час за 8,9 секунд.

Двигатели западного и японского рынка существенно отличались. В ассортименте имелись агрегаты объемом в 1,3, 1,5, 1,8 литра.


Высокая производительность при доступной цене в сочетании с простыми и надежными технологиями восьмидесятых годов делали Datsun Bluebird популярным автомобилем в течение почти сорока лет. Модель активно собирается заядлыми коллекционерами по всему миру, преимущественно в США, Австралии и Новой Зеландии.

Абсолютно все американские модели Datsun 510s с 1970 оснащались солнцезащитными стеклами.

Главное преимущество автомобилей Датсун заключается во взаимозаменяемости деталей: двигателей, трансмиссий, подвески и другое. Преимущество позволило модернизировать двигатель с 1,6 до 1,8 литра без особых затрат. Также модернизации поддавалась коробка передач. На Bluebird без проблем устанавливалась трансмиссия от серии 280z.

Разработчики из Datsun не стали останавливаться на достигнутом и сделали на базе автомобиля 510 абсолютно новый Nissan Stanza (1978-1981), который не получил положительных отзывов автовладельцев.

Участие в автоспорте

Седан Datsun 510 является известным и конкурентоспособным раллийным представителем в Соединенных Штатах. В 1970 году Bluebird занял первое место в 18 по счету Восточноафриканском Ралли Сафари. Также автомобиль дважды одерживал победы в своем классе в 1971 и 1972 году.

На сегодняшний день Datsun Bluebird остается одним из самых востребованных серийных моделей для любительских гонок.

1980 Datsun Other Wagon 1980 Datsun 510 RATSUN Wagon


Land O’ Lakes, Florida






Posted Over 1 Month

For sale: **AS-IS** 1980 RATSUN 510 WAGON. This vehicle is a definite head-tuner and extremely fun to chill in. Everything is original on the car. The motor and transmission are just as strong as the same year DATSUN TRUCKS. This is a cruiser/beach vehicle as well as a hauler. The vehicle is dropped 4 inches by 4in Blocks in the rear and cut springs up front. Vehicle was used as my daily driver for 4 years. From the highways to the backroads. I used it mostly for my screen-printing business to haul my equipment around. It never left me stranded. I recommend this Datsun for EXPERIENCED lowrider drivers. As fun as it is, you will definitly feel every bump on the road. You will also use a lot of muscle to steer since there is no power steering. A/C? What is that!? No radio. But you will be singing a tune as you drive. The PROS and CONS are listed below:Pros: Strong / Smiles / Classic / Different / Crazy fun.New Brakes and entire brake system.Carburetor rebuilt.Tinted.What to expect that is not perfect:Seats are torn and you will feel springs on long rides. Miscellaneous small holes in metal due to rust. Drivers side door panel missing. Vise grips are your window opener. ( CLASSIC! )The front alignment is off and you will have to replace tires about every 3 months from uneven wear.No lights on speedometer.

Datsun 510 для GTA San Andreas

Тип автомобиля

—АвтобусВнедорожникВоенная техникаГоночныйГрузовикДругиеЛегковойСпецтехника

Тип кузова


Тип военной техники

—БТРБоевая разведывательная машинаБронеавтомобильВоенный грузовикДругиеТанк

Тип кузова


Тип спецтехники

—БульдозерВилочный погрузчикГрейдерДругиеКарьерный погрузчикКатокКомбайнТракторЭкскаватор

Тип кузова


Тип грузовика

—АвтобетоносмесительАвтовозАвтовышкаАвтокранАвторефрижераторАвтоцистернаБензовозБортовойБортовой тентованныйДругиеЗерновозКарьерный самосвалКонтейнеровозКунгЛесовозЛомовозМанипуляторМусоровозПожарная машинаРаллийныйСамосвалСедельный тягачСнегоуборщикСортиментовозСпецтехникаТопливозаправщикТриалУборочная машинаФургонЦельнометаллический фургонШассиЭвакуатор

Тип кузова

—БаггиВнедорожникДругиеКабриолетКроссоверКупеЛимузинЛифтбекМикроавтобусМикровэнМинивэнПикапРодстерСеданТаргаУниверсалФастбэкФаэтонФургонХардтопХот-родХэтчбек 3 двХэтчбек 5 дв

Тип гоночного автомобиля

—kartБаггиБолид формулыДругие



Заменяемая модель

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—High Quality Lights Mod (HQLM)Improved Vehicle FeaturesVehicles Special Abilities EditorWild Upgraded Your CarsАктивная приборная панель (АПП)

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—Активная приборная панель v3.0Активная приборная панель v3.1Активная приборная панель v3.2Активная приборная панель v3.2.1Активная приборная панель v3.2b

Версия HQLM

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—High Quality Lights Mod v2.0 (HQLM)IV High Quality Lights Mod v2.1IV High Quality Lights Mod v2.2

Версия ImVehFt

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Версия Wild Upgraded Your Cars

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2003-2018, «GTAViceCity.RU»

Datsun : Other 510 1972 datsun 510 original very solid great running


Clarkston, Washington






Posted Over 1 Month

Up for sale is my 1972 Datsun 510. This car has an interesting history, it was ordered new by an old lady in a small town in Idaho. The story goes the only way she would buy a 510 is if she could get it orange with white interior and a white vinyl top. The car no longer has the vinyl top, it was removed somewhere along the way and painted white. But the color combination is still rare. I am the second owner. The paint is original, and has been buffed out. There are alot of scratches and dings, no major dents. The passenger rear door was backed into and replaced which is why the color on that door is a little off (no damage was done to anything else but the door). There is no carpet in the car, the car had torn up red 280zx seats in it when I got it, so I replaced them with some period correct buckets that would look great if they were reupholstered. The door panels are in decent shape but not great, the rear seat is also original and torn up. It has a 240z wheel, and the dash is cracked. There are scratches in the front glass but no chips or cracks in any of the glass. The front facia is a little beat up, there was no front bumper on the car when I got it, and the rear bumper was rusty, I do have the rear bumper though. The car is what it is as you can see. The car shows around 92,000 miles, and runs like a top. Recent work done: new tune up set, plugs wires ect, new head gasket, new top end gaskets, head was cleaned checked and resurfaced, valves have all been adjusted to factory spec, weber carb has been rebuilt and tuned. The car is an automatic, and shifts great. This is my wife and I’s daily driver and it’s been a great car, I would feel comfortable driving the car anywhere. It attracts SO much attention everywhere it goes. Very fun to drive. The floors and trunk are original and completly solid, the ONLY rust in the car is what’s pictured in the rockers and drivers rear fender. Very solid, great start to a restoration, custom build or driver as is! New tires, new pads, new master, new gas tank, new lines, new filter, new fluids. Well taken care of. Lights, blinkers, wipers, horn work. There are no working interior lights besides the console, washers don’t work. I think I’ve covered everything but feel free to ask any question! More pictures availible upon request. Car is forsale locally, I reserve the right to end the action. ONLY MAKE OFFERS IF YOU ARE SERIOUS. CLEAN TITLE IN MY NAME! I have no problem selling the car internationally, as long as the buyer arranges for and pays for the shipping. The car must be gone by september!

Datsun : Other SEDAN 1971 datsun 510 2 door sedan pl 510 survivor


Franklin, Tennessee






Posted Over 1 Month

Up for Sale is my 1971 Datsun PL510 2 door Sedan Survivor This was originally a California car which explains why there’s no body rust, does have a few dings and dents but it’s never been wrecked and has all original paint. Original L16 numbers matching engine, all California emissions have been removed and the exhaust manifold welded up, replaced all rubber fuel lines and filter, installed a new Weber carb, all new engine gaskets including head gasket, new Flowmaster exhaust system, electronic ignition and brake master cylinder, runs and sounds great! New 195/60/14 tires on a set of original 14″X6″ Minilite wheels. Original interior looks great, all dash lights have been replaced and all gauges work, Alpine CD player, Boston Acoustics rear speakers and Pioneer fronts in the dash, sounds great! The previous owner installed a Momo steering wheel, aftermarket front sway bar, 5 speed transmission and a Subaru LSD rear end with (3.70 gear). The car runs strong and gets lot’s of thumbs up and looks around town, fun car to drive. I really hate to sell it but I can’t keep them all. This car would be perfect for a complete restoration or keep it as an unrestored survivor. Please contact me with any questions, Reduced to $7,500 Serious buyers only, no stupid low ball offers.

Datsun 510: Are You Sure?

by Frank Ewald – with John Paul Ellis

This Datsun 510 has belonged to John Paul Ellis for twelve years. His father bought it for him as a sixteenth birthday present. It needed work. And it sat for a long time while John Paul considered what to do with it. There were some significant factors that needed to be taken into consideration. First of all, this was a Datsun 510. It had a race history and came with a full cage. Not something you would want to mess with. Second, this car was a gift from his dad. JP’s dad is a Datsun fanatic. I do not doubt that his dad had a vision in mind for this car. Third, everyone is watching. Especially in this day and age of Twitter, FaceBook, auto forums, and more. They are watching and they will gladly comment about errors you have made and why you should not have done what you did. (Come on, some of you are already doing this and you have not even finished the first paragraph!) And finally, this Datsun 510 belonged to Tom Hnatiw before it became JPs.  Tom Hnatiw was a racer, a motor journalist, a race announcer, a television producer. Sadly, Tom passed away in July 2012, so did not get to see the 510 rebuilt.

We all say that building a car is for ourselves and we don’t care what others think about it – but most of us do care.  That’s irrelevant here, because you cannot help but like this car! Owned and raced previously by Canadian auto journalist Tom Hnatiw, John Paul has waited twelve years to build it into the car he wanted.

Not only was this build being watched by the normal folks ready to offer their ‘two cents’ worth when the project fell apart, but JP had the scrutiny of his dad and the challenge of building a car that had a history. Not just a classic automobile, but a classic automobile plus. So with this surrounding him, JP pulled out the saws, torches, and welders and set out to create the car that had been populating his dreams since he was sixteen. Many of us might have considered a BRE replica, but JP wanted more. That more included a Honda F20C.

The AP1 engine sits there like it was made to be there. And in this case, it was. You have to admire the clean installation.

My friend’s parents owned a Datsun 510. It was a family hauler – and as a kid that’s all I viewed it as. I had no access to racing information in the early seventies so I had no idea that this boxy little car was an award winning race car. It was a car that could be purchased new for around $2000. It came with disc brakes, MacPherson struts, and quickly became known as the “poor man’s BMW”. Of course, growing up in farm country I did not even know what a BMW looked like – unless it came on two wheels. (I was into motorcycles then, not cars.)

Datsun 510s have been successful on the track for decades. They’re a vehicle that simply works. Add the F20C from a Honda S2000 and you’ve created a track beast. JP had no sooner fired it up than he hauled it off to the track to see how it performed. Pic by Jeff Beech.

John Paul’s 510 was not running. Sitting for a dozen years it actually was in the way more than once, and was sometimes moved with less attention to its history than it deserved. It was not forgotten; but it was derelict and at risk of sitting forever. It came with a 1.8 L series engine that was used in vintage endurance racing. Initially considering keeping the blood lines in the family a CA18DET was thought about. Then a KA24DE engine was considered – it was even placed into the engine bay. So was a built SR20VE drivetrain. Purchases were made and plans were in place, but then JP tossed them all out and moved to a 9000 RPM AP1 Honda S2000 engine. It is not the first time that an S2000 engine has been transplanted into a Datsun 510. But no other 1973 Datsun 510 comes with the history that this two door model contains.

After sitting for a decade, the Datsun really required a lot of TLC to get it back and ready for action. The L18 engine was not running. While an awesome engine in its own right, it simply didn’t have the punch that was required. CA18DET – too hard to source. KA24DE – easily sourced but not enough power. SR20VE – lots of power, especially if a turbocharger was added. Would this have power and reliability? Pic by John Paul Ellis.


1970 Datsun Bluebird 510, the winning car of the 18th East African Safari RallyAustralian Northern Territory Speedway Champion circa 1970 – Still holds records today[citation needed]

The 510 is best known in the United States for its competitiveness in the Trans Am Series under 2500cc class. John Morton won the 1971 and 1972 championships driving Pete Brock’s BRE Racing 510. The Datsun 510 remains one of the most popular production cars in numerous SCCA classes of amateur racing, partly due to Nissan Motor Corporation in USA’s commitment to providing an extensive selection of common replacement parts from its many area parts distribution centers, special replacement parts from their master parts distribution center (based in Los Angeles), as well as parts from Nissan Motorsports, Nissan’s performance division (based in Tennessee).
The Datsun 1600 was also very competitive in the Australian Rally Championship with outright and class wins throughout the 70s and the 80s and currently in historic classes. [citation needed]

Major motorsport victories

Event / Series Year Driver Co-driver Car
Ampol Trial Edgar Herrmann Hans Schüller Datsun 1600 SSS
East African Safari Rally Edgar Herrmann Hans Schüller Datsun 1600 SSS
SCCA Trans Am 2.5 Championship John Morton N/A Datsun 510 2 door sedan
Australian Rally Championship Geoff Portman Ross Runnalls Datsun 1600
Australian Rally Championship Ross Dunkerton Geoff Jones Datsun 1600


Affordable performance combined with simple mechanicals helped the Datsun 510 remain a popular automotive enthusiast’s car for many years after its discontinuation. Avid collectors can be found around the world with significant numbers in the U.S., Australia, and New Zealand.

One advantage of the early Datsun cars is that many of the parts were interchangeable – engines, transmissions, and suspension setups, for example, were all similar enough to swap with minor modifications. This allowed the Datsun 510 to be easily upgraded from the 1.6l – engine, to the 1.8l – engine, and later to the 2.0L , and to go from the four-speed manual transmission to the 63 mm (shaft-center distance) five-speed transmissions made available for the early (S10) 200SX and (A10) HL510, and the 71 mm five-speed transmissions used in the (S30 & S130) 280-series Z cars, 1980 to ’83 (S110) 200SX, the 1977 to ’80 (810) 810, the 1981 to ’84 (910) 810/Maxima/Bluebird, and the C210/R30 series of . The 71 mm five-speed transmissions also saw extensive use in the 620/720/D21 series pick-up trucks in both long and short (rare) extension-housing versions.

Its positive reputation in North America also led to Nissan re-using the 510 model name there later on for the unrelated, 1978–1981 Nissan Stanza ‘A10’ in an effort to capture this range’s glory — an effort reviewers considered a failure.

Hot Wheels manufactures several versions of the car.

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;-) :| :x :twisted: :smile: :shock: :sad: :roll: :razz: :oops: :o :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :grin: :evil: :cry: :cool: :arrow: :???: :?: :!: